Produse pentru sisteme de stocare a energiei (32)

HydroCab PowerCore - Conectat la PV sau un mic generator eolian, poate servi ca bază pentru un sistem energetic autonom.

HydroCab PowerCore - Conectat la PV sau un mic generator eolian, poate servi ca bază pentru un sistem energetic autonom.

Das HydroCab PowerCore ist das vollständige Energiespeichersystem, das die Vorteile von Wasserstoff- und Batteriesystemen kombiniert. Es handelt sich um ein Kurz- und Langzeitspeichersystem. Die Modularität ermöglicht die Gestaltung des besten Systems für Ihre Anforderungen. Das System ist für eine einfache Plug-and-Play-Installation konzipiert. Der PowerCore kann in einer wassergekühlten oder luftgekühlten Version geliefert werden. Fragen Sie uns auch nach Outdoor- oder IP55-Versionen mit einem Abgasanschluss. Optionale Kompressoren und Gasspeicherlösungen runden das System ab. Wir bieten auch die Installation und Inbetriebnahme vor Ort an.
autoglide 5 - Transmiterea energiei și datelor instalată într-o oră

autoglide 5 - Transmiterea energiei și datelor instalată într-o oră

Save 88% assembly time with cost-effective energy chain for intralogistics and crane systems. The igus autoglide 5 system transfers energy, data, fluids, and air safely in a single system, requires almost no maintenance, and is also very cost-effective, including a 2400.07AG.075.0 e-chain, steel cable guide, harnessed bus cable, and five single cores of 6mm² each. Speed:4m/s Travel:80m Quiet operation:63db(A) at 2m/s
Anoduri pentru Apă Caldă

Anoduri pentru Apă Caldă

Anodes for hot water systems are designed to protect metal components from corrosion, particularly in environments with high temperatures and mineral content. Zinc-it's anodes for hot water are available in both zinc and magnesium, offering flexibility for different applications and water conditions. These anodes are crafted to be sacrificial, meaning they corrode in place of the metal components, thereby extending their life and reducing maintenance costs. The anodes are manufactured to high-quality standards, ensuring durability and reliability in challenging conditions. With a variety of sizes and configurations available, Zinc-it's anodes for hot water can be tailored to meet specific needs and requirements. By choosing these anodes, operators can ensure the longevity and efficiency of their hot water systems, minimizing downtime and operational disruptions.
Sisteme de Recuperare a Energiei

Sisteme de Recuperare a Energiei

RLT-Geräte zur Innen- und Außenaufstellung, wenn gewünscht als Vollklimatisierung mit Regelung, Kälteanlage oder Wärmepumpe, Heizungsanlage und/oder Warmwasseraufbereitung.
Stocare de energie

Stocare de energie

Die Energie der Sonne auch Nachts nutzen.
Sistem de Stocare a Energiei pentru Nave / ESS - Sistem de Stocare a Energiei pentru Nave / ESS

Sistem de Stocare a Energiei pentru Nave / ESS - Sistem de Stocare a Energiei pentru Nave / ESS

as Energiespeichersystem (ESS) ist für moderne, umweltfreundliche und energieeffiziente Antriebe auf Schiffen unverzichtbar. Durch verschiedene Betriebsmodi wird die Energiebilanz entscheidend verbessert und somit der Kraftstoffverbrauch und die Emissionen gesenkt oder bei vollelektrischen Systemen sogar komplett vermieden. Durch den Einsatz eines Energiespeichersystems werden Verbrennungsmotoren überwiegend im optimalen Drehzahl- und Lastbereich betrieben und so können Wartungskosten reduziert werden. Des Weiteren kann durch Redundanz der elektrischen und konventionellen Antriebsmaschinen die Ausfallsicherheit enorm gesteigert werden. Im Bereich der Energiespeicher gehören die Batteriespeicher zu den gängigen und effizientesten Speichersystemen. Sicher und zuverlässig durch PBES CellCoolTM Flüssigkeitskühlung Maximale Leistung und Energie durch Hochleistungs-XALT Lithium-Ionen Zellen (3C) Einfache Erneuerung alter Zellen durch modulares Zellenaustauschkonzept (CellSwapTM) Zelltechnologie:NMC Energie (Einzelnes Modul):6,5 kWh (Power 65), 10 kWh (Energy 100) Kapazität (Einzelnes Modul):75 Ah (Power 65), 112 Ah (Energy 100) Spannungsbereich (Einzelnes Modul):77 ... 100 VDC Nennspannung (Einzelnes Modul):88,8 VDC
Stocare/Furnizare de Energie Independentă - Concept Off-grid pentru Sisteme de Furnizare a Energiei Independente IPS 20’ft Stocare de Energie

Stocare/Furnizare de Energie Independentă - Concept Off-grid pentru Sisteme de Furnizare a Energiei Independente IPS 20’ft Stocare de Energie

IPS- Container Skills and Norm:                ISO Standard 20’ high quality IPS configuration Rated capacitance:                                                                W=1.000kWh Max. usage of tranfer energy per day                                    2.000 kWh/d Gross storage volume Capacity per 20’Container min.       34,91kWh/m3 Net Storage volume per 20’container min.                            31,50kWh/m3  Battery concept  Lithium                   LiFeMnPo4 / 19inch units / 192 pieces per 20’IPS container Net. Capacity          5kWh x 192 =                    1.000kWh Product guaranty:   10 years  PV Connecting Power per 20’ container  For direct connectivity of max. 500 kWp solar generator of each container  Solar panels  1.724 Modules a 290Wp = 500kW/20’
Sistem de stocare a energiei încorporat - pentru mașini speciale

Sistem de stocare a energiei încorporat - pentru mașini speciale

Proposer notre savoir-faire pour la conception de produits et systèmes de stockage d’énergie en adéquation avec vos attentes en termes de : fonctionnalités, délais, coût, fabrication, sécurité et durabilité, c’est notre mission Pour votre système de stockage d’énergie embarqué, FORKLIFT ENERGIE, spécialiste courant continu, vous accompagne et développe pour vous des solutions avancées et personnalisées selon vos exigences techniques et vos besoins. Notre bureau d’études en stockage d’énergie met tout son savoir faire industriel à votre service pour vous accompagner dans la réalisation de cet équipement, qu’il s’agisse d’un robot agricole, d’un outil innovant pour le BTP ou d’un AGV pour l’industrie aéronautique et spatiale. Notre expérience industrielle et notre sensibilité quant aux choix technologique et financier vous assurent d’aboutir à l’obtention d’un équipement fiable, fonctionnel et durable, parfaitement adapté aux utilisateurs.
Sistem integrat de stocare a energiei în dulap solar

Sistem integrat de stocare a energiei în dulap solar

The CTT-EC-HV406L energy storage system has a wide range of applications, including but not limited to renewable energy integration, grid assistance services, commercial and industrial applications, and emergency response scenarios. In solar or wind farms, it can balance energy production with demand and improve the utilization of renewable energy. In the power grid, it provides auxiliary services such as frequency modulation and peak regulation, which helps to enhance the stability and reliability of the power grid. In business centers or industrial parks, it can be used as a backup power source or for peak cutting and valley filling to help reduce energy costs. In emergency situations, such as natural disasters, it also provides critical power support to ensure the normal operation of rescue and communication equipment.
Sisteme de Testare pentru Celule de Combustibil și Stocare a Energiei

Sisteme de Testare pentru Celule de Combustibil și Stocare a Energiei

Die Entwicklung von Energiespeichern erfordert sichere Prüfstände für die Entwicklung und Qualitätssicherung von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien. Die Batterie muss geprüft werden und zum ersten Mal ge- und entladen werden. m Anschluss werden die Zellen über mehrere Tage gereift, um die Zelleigenschaften zu verbessern. Für eine optimale Reifung bei konstanten Temperaturen kommen Formierschränke zum Einsatz. Ebenso kann die Brennstoffzelle z.B. unter folgenden Gesichtspunkten abgeprüft werden: - Direktverbindung der Luftversorgung mit der Brennstoffzelle - nicht vorkonditionierte Prozessluftzuführung in den Prüfraum - sufbereitete Prozessluftzuführung in den Prüfraum sowie temperierter Wasserstoff
UniQube 6C - Rezervoare de Apă Caldă cu 6 Circuite de Încălzire

UniQube 6C - Rezervoare de Apă Caldă cu 6 Circuite de Încălzire

A-class energy efficiency, hygienic hot water, solar thermal, buffer, hydraulic separator, thermal stratification, electric heater back up. The reservoir is made of a unique combination of thermal resistant plastic and fiberglass composite material which is not possible to rust, with an outstanding 30 years warranty. Heat exchangers made of corrugated stainless steel pipe made of "Inox 316L" suitable for hygienic water, 10 years warranty.
Industria de Stocare a Energiei

Industria de Stocare a Energiei

Stromspeicher von 20 KW bis 185 KW für Industrie Anwendung für Innen und Außenanwendungen Wir bieten Sonderlösungen für Energiespeicher von 15 bis 185 KW Leistung. Die Systeme können für Indoor- und Outdoor Anwendungen eingesetzt werden. Sprechen Sie uns für Ihre Anfrage gerne an.


Pour réduire les surfaces de stockage et réduire les temps de recherche et de manutention, nous vous proposons un ensemble de stockeurs de sécurité
Sisteme UPS

Sisteme UPS

USV-Anlagen arbeiten in Online-Technologie mit doppelter Umwandling (UPS-CIB), d. h. die Verbraucher werden immer vom Wechselrichter gespeist (kleinere USV Leistungen bis 3000 VA als Line Interactive)
Sisteme Fotovoltaice - Energie Regenerabilă

Sisteme Fotovoltaice - Energie Regenerabilă

Sistemi ad energia rinnovabile direttamente dalla Cina Sistemi Fotovoltaici Pannelli fotovoltaici Inveter Batterie di accumulo Lampioni Solari Integrati Sistemi Eolici e mini eolici Progettazione e Installazione
Sistem de încărcare mobil de urgență pentru vehicule electrice

Sistem de încărcare mobil de urgență pentru vehicule electrice

Our battery-integrated EV charger provides users with an efficient, reliable, and cost-effective solution. It enhances charging efficiency and improves grid stability as well. Meanwhile, it can serve as a backup power for emergencies and reduce grid construction investments and operational costs.
Centru de Date Mobil sau Centru de Date în Container

Centru de Date Mobil sau Centru de Date în Container

Mobil Veri Merkezi veya Konteyner Veri Merkezi, geleneksel veri merkezi altyapısından farklı olarak, modüler ve taşınabilir bir yapıda tasarlanmış bir veri işleme çözümüdür. Bu tür bir veri merkezi, genellikle bir nakliye konteynerine benzer bir yapıda olup, donanım, yazılım ve ağ ekipmanını entegre eder. Mobil Veri Merkezleri, hızlı dağıtım, taşıma kolaylığı ve ölçeklenebilirlik avantajları sunar. Bu çözüm, özellikle hızlı kurulum, acil durum müdahaleleri, askeri operasyonlar, geçici projeler veya uzak bölgelerde veri işleme ihtiyacı olan durumlar için idealdir. Taşınabilir yapısı sayesinde, ihtiyaç duyulan konumdan diğerine kolayca taşınabilir ve kurulabilir. Genellikle konteyner içindeki birimler, enerji verimliliği, soğutma sistemleri ve güvenlik önlemleri gibi standart veri merkezi gereksinimlerini karşılamak üzere tasarlanmıştır.
Sisteme UPS

Sisteme UPS

Bei Bedarf sichern wir auch hoch sensible sowie lebenserhaltende Geräte und Anlagen zusätzlich mit einer unterbrechungsfreien Stromversorgungsanlage (USV-Anlage) gegen Netzausfälle und Schwankungen der Stromqualität ab, wie es zum Beispiel in der Medizintechnik, der Telekommunikation oder in Rechenzentren erforderlich ist. Wir liefern eine Systemlösung schlüsselfertig aus einer Hand. Sie sorgen so für eine absolut zuverlässige Stromversorgung in Ihrem Unternehmen bei: •Stromausfall •Spannungsschwankungen •Frequenzschwankungen •Verzerrten Spannungskurven •Spannungsspitzen •Störspannungen •Spannungsaussetzern
Rezervor de Apă Caldă, Boiler

Rezervor de Apă Caldă, Boiler

hot water storage tanks meet domestic hot water needs of conscious users of 2000s through their improved technology and perfect design. A product resulted from an experience of more then half century in industry and advanced technology... It satisfies comfort, safety and economy simultaneously. Offers the most perfect selection range for villas, apartments, hospitals, hotels and business places through 100-6.000 liter volume easy to use and installation.
sisteme de energie solară - termossifonic

sisteme de energie solară - termossifonic

termosifonik solar energy hot water systems
Sisteme de instalare și echipamente pentru laboratoare - Sisteme de laborator

Sisteme de instalare și echipamente pentru laboratoare - Sisteme de laborator

BRAU GRUP Organizasyon yapısında ISO 9001 yönergelerini uygular. EN ve DIN normlarına hakimdir, CE direktiflerine ve TSE standartlarına uygun üretim yapar. BRAU GRUP Ürünlerinde uluslararası standartların öngördüğü güvenlik, ergonomi ve kalite kriterlerine riayet eder. Çalışmalarında, imalat ve montaj hizmetlerinde çevreye duyarlı davranır, atık yönetim prosedürlerine sadıktır, karbon emisyonlarını küçültmenin gayretindedir.
Sistem de termosifon - Sistem cu circuit deschis și sistem cu circuit închis

Sistem de termosifon - Sistem cu circuit deschis și sistem cu circuit închis

Pasifik Thermosiphon systems are consisting of Pasifik Solar collectors in suitable type and size. Pasifik enamelled hot water storage tank.Suitable support base for every type of roof. All necessarity fitting and accessories.
Protecția mediului / Sisteme de mediu

Protecția mediului / Sisteme de mediu

Um die Leistung der Medien voll zur Wirkung zu bringen und den vollen Schutz zu bieten haben wir die passenden Abluft- /Umweltschutzsysteme konzipiert. Kompakte und funktionale Bauweise garantieren die bewährte Wirkung unsere Schutzmedien und bringen die Vorteile eines Umwelt-System voll zur Geltung: einfache Installation (plug and play) geringer Platzbedarf geringe Investitionen nahezu wartungsfrei und wirtschaftlich anpassbar an jegliche Applikation
ORION 100 (12/13/33) - ORION 100 (12/13/33) COLECTOR SOLAR

ORION 100 (12/13/33) - ORION 100 (12/13/33) COLECTOR SOLAR

ORION 100 (12/13/33) SOLAR COLLECTOR Tempered 3,2mm/4mm prismatic, low-iron oxide solar glass
Seria Higienică HP 200-2000L

Seria Higienică HP 200-2000L

The HP Hygienic Series, ranging from 200 to 2000 liters, is meticulously designed for optimal compatibility with heat pumps. This series features a composite high-performance removable thermal insulation, 80 mm thick, ensuring efficient thermal management. Key Features: Adapted for Heat Pumps: Crafted to seamlessly integrate with heat pump systems. High-Performance Insulation: Composite insulation, 80 mm thick, guarantees superior thermal efficiency. Advanced Heat Exchanger: Corrugated stainless steel heat exchanger for maximum heat transfer. Variant available with stainless and carbon steel heat exchangers (HPh-11). Temperature and Pressure Management: Operates at a max temperature of 95°C. Withstands a max pressure of 3 bar. Insulation Class "C": Complies with insulation standards for effective performance. For an ideal solution in heat pump applications, the HP Hygienic Series stands out. If you seek more details or have specific inquiries, reach out to us.
guidelok slimline - Preț mai mic, mai ușor, dar mai ușor de instalat

guidelok slimline - Preț mai mic, mai ușor, dar mai ușor de instalat

Guide trough for vertical applications, especially for storage and retrieval units of all kinds, now with even lighter components and simplified installation. Locking lever and guide rails prevent the energy chain from swaying or swinging outwards. - Significant savings in costs and weight when compared with a complete housing - Now for especially narrow aisles as well - This also means low transport costs - Fast, safe and easy assembly with clip-on guide rails - Reduced noise - Easy access for servicing - Energy, data and media are guided in one system safely and without interruption
Sistem de stocare a energiei pentru nave / ESS

Sistem de stocare a energiei pentru nave / ESS

Energy storage systems (ESS) are an essential part for modern, environmental-friendly and energy-efficient ship propulsion systems. By using different ship operating modes, the energy balance can be significantly improved and thus, the fuel consumption and the emission volume can be reduced or in case of fully electric systems, emission can be even completely avoided. By using an energy storage system, the combustion engines operate mainly within the optimum speed and load range and this reduces the maintenance costs. Furthermore, the redundancy of electrical and common propulsion drives minimises immensely the blackout risk. In the field of energy storage, the battery storages belong to the most common and most efficient storage systems. Safe and reliable energy storage due to PBES CellCoolTM Liquid Cooling Maximum power and performance due to high performance XALT Lithium-ion cells (3C rate) Modular cell exchange concept (CellSwapTM) ensures easy renewing of old cells Cell Chemistry:NMC Energy (Single Module):6,5 kWh (Power 65), 10 kWh (Energy 100) Capacity (Single Module):75 Ah (Power 65), 112 Ah (Energy 100) Voltage Range (Single Module):77 ... 100 VDC Nominal Range (Single Module):88,8 VDC
QubeX - Rezervor pentru Apă Caldă

QubeX - Rezervor pentru Apă Caldă

QubeX is unpressurized hot water storage tank, hygienic water heater and drain back reservoir in the same time.
UniPlate - Panouri Solare Termice

UniPlate - Panouri Solare Termice

Anodised aluminum batten Hecker T-Safe Solarfloat tempered solar glass Alanod - Eta Plus Cu sheet with a selective surface coating Ultrasonic - welded copper absorbers Mineral glass wool slab with 50 kg/m3 covered by layer of black fiber glass Embossed back side Al - metal sheet Strong aluminum profile
baterii litiu personalizate pentru automobile

baterii litiu personalizate pentru automobile

Étude et Fourniture de packs batteries LITHIUM pour vos véhicules Golfcart – Véhicule quadricycle lourd (type L7e) ou léger. Qu’il s’agisse de re-motoriser un équipement de piste thermique en électrique, d’étudier un pack batterie adapté à votre véhicule électrique lourd ou léger ou bien de vous conseiller pour le choix d’une batterie industrielle lithium FORKLIFT ENERGIE met ses 15 ans d’expérience industrielle à votre service. Conception et l’intégration de système de stockage d’énergie sur batteries, Accompagnement dans le choix des solutions en adéquation avec l'aspect humain, technologique, fonctionnel, durable et financier A chaque étape, nous attirons votre attention sur les avantages et inconvénients de la technologie proposée